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164 Q4 transmission hydraulics

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:02 pm
by taffioch
I'm kinda hoping that Kev has a few pix of the big job that was involved in replacing all the hydraulic lines for the fancy transmission (Viscomatic - a torque distributor) Big thanks to Andy and Bob at Ludford for a job done without any guidance but common sense. The rear subframe, lower suspension arms, giant fuel tank, differential and Viscomatic itself all finished up on the floor. The job was precipitated by failure of one of the steel lines at an unreachable place above the tank, resulting in a couple of litres of power steering fluid (common reservoir, believe it or not, and the pump pressurises the lines) on the garage floor. All the lines, except one that Bob did about six years back, were replaced, all the metalwork cleaned and painted, and the whole thing is now up and running in permanent four-wheel drive and - fingers crossed- fault-free.
Next job is the clutch, which was quite high when I got the car ten years ago, and is getting a bit too high for comfort. Think you can still get 'em....

Re: 164 Q4 transmission hydraulics

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:42 pm
by KevJTD
here's some of the pics from when it was coming down J, the rest of them were taken on your camera so a chance to test your new photo editing skills :D

must say i'm impressed with the attention to detail given by andy and bob to the job, not like anyone is going to see it. they did a great job in cleaning and painting all the parts 8-)