Site Upkeep & Donations

Area detailing how to help fund this free forum
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Site Upkeep & Donations


Hello to all current members, and to all new comers, welcome aboard the Classic Alfa Forum.

A brief word on the Forum itself, and its continuing future.

When myself and Kev founded this forum, completely out of our own passion for Classic Alfa's, and their restoration and maintenance, the importance of having like minded folk all in one place to share their own experiences, knowledge, parts sourcing etc was huge priority and massive reason for forming Classic Alfa Forum in the first place.

Like many other members, we came from various alternative forums in the past, and shared many common dislikes amongst them, one of which was joining fee's, and tiered membership status etc.

We knew that to encourage as many people to join as possible, being free of any of these charges, aswell as not being cluttered with adverts, was always going to be very important to us, and here we are some years on, now hundreds of great members, sharing mass's of information, pictures and experiences, and we could not have wished for more, we thank you for all your threads and posts, and know that without great members you certainly don't get a great forum!

We will always remain a forum free of such charges and fee's, that's a fact, and making money from our members could not possibly be further from our agenda and cause, but that said, we do have to consider the background costs.

At several stages of our growing membership, we have been ecstatic to need the hosting site to be increased in size and capabilities, allow more and bigger photo's etc, it is truly great to have the evidence thrust in front of you that things are going well, and that is thanks to all you great members.

Myself and Kev have and always will fund this forum ourselves. We are extremely happy to do so in the future, and it means that we will always have control on the forums direction, design, and most importantly responding accurately to its members needs and wishes without hesitation.

We have both been approached by members in the past, with idea's and offers of funding and assisting with the background costs, and whilst we think its an incredibly generous offer, i think its fair to say that we have both been overwhelmed a little by it, and shy'd away from the conversation, but we do think that in order to irrefutably guarantee the continuing success, growth, and development of the forum, we could now accept anonymous donations.

We are NOT asking or requesting for donations or contributions, but simply making it possible for those who really do want to assist, can do so, and we won't have to awkwardly refuse folk that simply are genuinely want to help.

So, to that end, if anyone would wish to contribute towards the forum costs and development, they can do, completely anonymously to other members of course, although it would be likely that myself or Kev would recognise the funds source from names or email address's when receiving a donation.

Donations can currently be made by Paypal, to the following email address

If anyone would rather use a different method, then please simply email me at that same address and i will send bank details across to receive donations to.

This is not mandatory or a request in any way shape or form, and it is not intended to make any profit. If donations reach a level where they exceed the sites maintenance and improvement costs, we will seek to use any extra funds to benefit all members in other ways or returns.

Enormous Thanks in Advance to all members, contributors and donaters, you guy's and gells are why we are here in the first place, and long may it continue as the best Classic Alfa Forum :D

Shrew, Kev

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by KevJTD »

Just to add to that, it's not in any way meant that everyone should feel guilty and get their wallet out!
As Shrew says, our intention at the start when we discussed the possibility of building a forum was to make it as easily accessible to all without the feeling that we needed to make it value for money for paying members.
The fact that I haven't had to alter or moderate on a single post in all that time is testament to you guys for making the forum the success it has been so far, long may it continue!

So if you do feel that we have given you something and feel the value of the forum is worth a few quid to you then fantastic, we'd gratefully recieve any donations. Even if it's just been giving some advice that's saved you trawling through random garages wasting money there, or finding an elusive part, every little thing makes for a succesful forum.

The costs of running the forum we both agreed to cover, that won't change.
I have been advised by more than one member that we ought to be charging for membership rather than continuing to pay out of our own pockets but we both feel that would be going against the grain of what we have set out to achieve. I personally feel that would put off new members coming on board, I'm pretty sure Shrew would agree that's something we don't want to happen.
Having said that there are monthly costs which are increasing as popularity increases. Not astronomical but costs nonetheless.

So whilst we both would I'm sure have been happy enough to keep bumbling along with things as they are I think this is the best solution, if anyone feels the urge to contribute then that would be most gratefully appreciated, although it does feel a tad embarrasing to even mention money when we do get as much enjoyment from the forums' success as you guys get from using it.

So there we have it.
Donations will remain private simply to prevent the "I paid but that tight wad hasn't" type of scenario
The voluntary nature I think helps promote that.

Long may the forum continue, which it will if either of us have got anything to do with it ;)

Giulietta JTD 170
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations


I think that's what i should have wrote! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by Fiatchris »

Morning all, fully on board with this! This site has saved me a FORTUNE, in contacts, bargain deals, advice and even selling a car.
Keep up the good work! Chris

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by junior »

Not so much the money, but the advice has saved me so much aggravation and time that

I think its a brilliant site. Many thanks and your right to do this.

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by KevJTD »

Another little prod to you guys who have benefitted from the forum, advice gained or as a lot of late, parts being sold,,
We (Shrew and I) continue to self fund the forum so we don't have to deal with subs and keep it nice and informal for all but we do appreciate the donations that come in, even if it's only 2 or 3 guys....those that have donated we truly thank you.
OK it's not a huge amount each month for us to fund the forum but over the few years we've been going and with the constant updates and upgrades that you guys mostly don't see we have spent many thousands of £££s of our very limited hard earned, neither of us are rich guys as those that know us will testify, and I'm really tight!
So although we will do our best to keep it going all we ask is that we get a little help now and again, if we've saved you time and effort then drop a few quid our way. If we've managed to find a home for that part that's been getting in your way then again, a few quid our way will help us keep things going. Times are hard for all at the moment I know but both Shrew and I are just regular guys with families and homes to fund so if things do turn turtle then such luxuries as funding forums will be hard to justify over paying such mundane things as heating and food..

We don't and never will look to make money on the forum, but getting somewhere remotely close to breaking even would be a dream, and keep the wolf from the door should things turn south.
So guys, if you like it enough then help us out...whilst it's still here for you.

Kev & Shrew
Giulietta JTD 170
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by NEG »

Kev is it still the PayPal address above?

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by KevJTD »

NEG wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:40 pm Kev is it still the PayPal address above?
It is, thanks in advance for any donation.

Just to reiterate, we're not looking for huge donations but in these most trying of times a little help would be appreciated.
I myself am on a 3 day week and shrew has buggered his collarbone into 3 bits so being self employed that's him out of action for a little while.

Even if you decide that once a month you'll skip that daily £4 trip to Costa and help keep us afloat that would be a great help. If we don't give you guys enough pleasure and advice that's worth a couple of quid now and again then fair enough, I guess we won't be missed that much after all.
I'm not saying we're about to go under but in these times we have to be sensible about where what little income we have gets spent.
Giulietta JTD 170
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by NEG »

Keep up the good work guys!

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by StescoG66 »

I concur. This site is my go to for help and advice and is an asolutely invaluable resource. Keep up the good work folks and thank you for everything. Hopefully now I can also give something back seeing as I am -snagging apart - out the other side and on the road.
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by KevJTD »

Very gratefully received , donations and approval that the forum still has value in what we do or try to achieve.
Some points over the last year or so made us wonder, especially during the quiet phases where hardly any posts were made, but I say that was more a direct result of us not being able to use our cars and go to meets.
Now we're out the other side maybe that will pick up again.
It is nice that the projects still seem to be ongoing though, so there is hope!
Giulietta JTD 170
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by StescoG66 »

I agree Kev

However I actually think this site is simply a bit of an undiscovered gem.

Old Alfa seem to be on a bit of an upward trajectory. This site seems to tick along in the background without the recognition it deserves
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations


Thank You very much Tony!

One of the very very few that volunteer a donation every year, even apologised because it was slightly later than the previous years, by his reckoning anyway :D

If it feels like a post that shames the rest of you freeloaders, it's because it is, poor old Tony is oversubscribing to cover much more than his usage and share! :o

We don't ask for much, and would rather we didn't at all, but this does have to paid for straight of our back pockets, and with more and more Facebook groups cropping up all the time, we may have to ask the question of how long we continue to foot the bill to fight the trend.

However, the Facebook pages are horrible, no layout or construction to them whatsoever, and i for one am not interested in scrolling for hours through unrelated rubbish, adverts, scams and so on, to find that post where someone said???

Not to mention the FB Police!

You've been warned tightwads, use it or lose it! :lol:

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by KevJTD »

If the above post has made anyone think that maybe the forum provides a service that they'd miss then please act on it.
It wasn't meant to highlight the generosity of Tony, or any of the others (sadly just a few others) that send in a regular donation so to those that do donate already we thank you very much.
That being said, we are still in a situation where the costs keep rising for webspace etc plus neither of us are techy enough (certainly not me!) to run and care for the forum without paying for professional servicing, which again is an annual cost that we share without feeling the need to insist on charging.
But we are approaching the stage where we have to think more seriously about where we go.
Both Shrew and I have been resistant to making it a closed shop, paying members only. That we feel in particular would put off any new members from browsing in the first instance and limit it to just a few diehards and lose out on new and exciting builds etc, we'd have never have known about the fantastic Sprint build by Alfaoldgit for example if it wasn't an open, free for all forum.
But, and it is in an effort to secure the continued existance of the forum, we need to do something to stem the tide.
If anyone thinks the forum is worth the price of a couple of fancy coffees' for a years knowledge and shared enthusiasm, not to mention the free and simple classifieds (no huge fees like the well known online shop!) plus the sense of being in a great community then that would be enough to allow us to continue, assuming a fair proportion of the membership thought that way. The alternative is that nobody much thinks it's worth the few quid each and we stop shelling out for it all. We've never looked to charge or even recoup the costs fully, never mind make a profit like some, but if we could get to the position that even half of our annual costs are met then Shrew and I would happily continue to provide this rare thing nowadays, a space where we can speak freely with like minded people where common sense and civility are way more highly regarded, and expected, than being in a PC space where you have to mind what you say in case you offend someone and get banned. It's our forum, by ours I mean you guys, so we run it for you as we'd expect it to be ran for us. If you agree then we are still doing something right. If not then time will tell..
Giulietta JTD 170
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations


Well, I can't really add anything to that Kev, perfect summing up of the status quo.

For those who feel so inclined, it is best if donations can be made by PayPal, as that's how I currently fund the running and maintenance costs of the site, forum and care package.

Please use the following PayPal address

We are not asking for much, honestly, even small, humble amounts are all it will take to ease the burden a lot, especially if there are a few more willing to help rather than the overly generous regular characters,

I shan't embarrass anyone else with naming, but thank you everyone that does contribute and help keep it all together for all of us to continue to enjoy.

Cheers all, and thanks again! :D

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by LooLooSud33Spider »

Hi guys. All I can add is a massive thank you from us all. Our forum is not just a meeting place for like minded Alfisti. It really feels like a family and I love being able to help with technical advice when possible. I have tried to help with small amounts from time.
Shrew. can I suggest you set out a few examples of the costs involved it may just help us all understand what’s needed.
I certainly don’t want the forum to disappear and I suspect I’m not alone
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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations

Post by adsblacksud »

Donation donated..

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Re: Site Upkeep & Donations


Thank you all, very much appreciated and hopefully you find it money well spent!

Long may it continue....

I AM the Law!

Alfasud 1.7-16v, Charade Turbo SR, & The Dirty Diesels - GT Cloverleaf, 159 Ti Sportwagon, Saab 9-3 Sportwagon

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