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Interesting registration number..

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:57 pm
by KevJTD
A few years back the then new owners of the Cafe on the yard where my unit is turned up with a Subaru adorned with what I thought to be a nice SUD number plate, so I asked him if he was into Alfas' in general..Cue blank looks :?
When I asked if he owned a Sud Ti he laughed and said No, he didn't. But he is into cleaning products! My turn for confusing,,then it was obvious.
The number plate on his car was T1 5UDS which I thought looked great for a Ti Sud owner.
Turned out he also owns T1 5OAP
His Mrs is called Tina, and they have a business selling cleaning products, hence the SOAP and SUDS reference!

Anyway, he comes over to see me today and says that he's thinking of selling the plate from the Subaru as they sold that car, number now on a retention certificate.

A long shot that anyone is after one, would only be able to be fitted to a 1998 on car so no good to fit on a classic.
Won't be especially cheap either, DVLA quoted him as being worth near £7k for the pair a while back, so no point thinking it'll be a £500 fun thing. But I said I'd ask...